"Waiting For Mercy" film available now on Amazon Prime

DeFabio Design did the motion graphics in this documentary that shows how the mood post-911 may have lead to government overreach and the entrapment of innocent Muslims in Albany, NY.

A great watch if you were hooked on Steven Avery's casein "Making A Murderer". It was just added to Amazon Prime.

Waiting For Mercy film - graphics by DeFabio Design

About The Case
The Albany Counter-Terrorism Task force, the Justice Department, local police, and IRS agents organized the entrapment scheme, which was planned to portray these 2 men as “potential terrorists” who knowingly participated in a (fictitious) plot to send a shoulder fired missile to New York to attack the Pakistani Ambassador. As an end result of this long sting operation, involving hundreds of work hours, a convicted criminal informant, and many thousands of dollars, both men were arrested in 2004 and charged with money laundering and material support of terrorism.

In 2006, the two defendants were each sentenced to 15 years in prison. Using the actual material, recorded over many months by the FBI informant the documentary shows the documents and the lawyer’s responses to the charges and asks the audience to judge for themselves.